
How Often Should I Get My Air Conditioner Serviced

Yous take your car in for regular tune-ups to make certain it stays on the road. You hit the gym every so ofttimes to make sure yous stay fit. Well, just like anything else, your air conditioning unit needs some regular attention too, especially before the hot summertime months curlicue around.

The all-time time of year to schedule air conditioner maintenance is during the bound. There are lots of reasons for this, which we'll talk over in more detail below, simply ane of the main reasons is that you want to get your heating and cooling systems ready before those months in the year when you demand them most.

Keep reading to acquire when and how often you lot should have your air conditioner serviced, and get some helpful tips on scheduling servicing and maintenance.

How Long Does An Air conditioning Unit Terminal?

While there are a lot of factors that impact the lifespan of a dwelling air conditioning system, in general, a adept AC unit lasts between 10-15 years. Continue in mind that loftier-quality, regular care and maintenance near always extend the life of your organization.

How Frequently To Service Your Air Conditioner

It's recommended that yous service your dwelling air workout system at least one time every yr. The aforementioned goes for your heating system. While it's always a good idea to practice some regular check-ins and cleaning throughout the year to make sure your organisation is running smoothly, a once-almanac air conditioner service appointment is ever essential.

Scheduling seasonal air conditioning maintenance will ensure you maximize your time, your dollar, and the life and safety of your AC system.

air conditioner service

When To Schedule Maintenance

So regular, annual servicing is necessary to continue your system running smoothly. Merely when'southward the all-time time to schedule your air conditioner maintenance?

As mentioned previously, spring is the best fourth dimension of year to schedule air conditioner maintenance and HVAC repair. The weather is warm plenty to run your cooling organization without worry, and yous have enough of options in terms of scheduling a service engagement with an expert HVAC technician. Since the jump is our off-season, that's when we often serve up savings. Make sure to check out our specials for up-to-engagement offers and information.

Why not winter?

In the Pacific Northwest, winter is not the best time for Air-conditioning repairs. In fact, we don't recommend running your air conditioner during the winter months at all. That'southward because at that place's oil in your Air-conditioning unit of measurement and it may non piece of work properly in cold temperatures.

Even though the Pacific Northwest doesn't get as cold as another parts of the country, our winter temperatures are low enough that your Air conditioning won't work optimally. In fact, you could even damage your system – which is what you're trying to avoid in the first identify. Skip your wintertime Air conditioning worries and focus on staying warm inside until spring.

Why not summer?

A lot of people presume that early on summertime is the all-time fourth dimension to schedule Ac maintenance. After all, you lot want to make sure it's in tip-top shape for the hottest months of the yr, right? Unfortunately, summer is the time when our schedules are the busiest, and so yous'll accept to compete for scheduling. That's why it's better to beat the rush with preventative maintenance well before any extreme weather hits to ensure yous won't have a summertime HVAC breakup.

How Much Does It Price to Service An Air Conditioner?

Whether you installed primal air conditioning in your home or there was an existing heating and/or cooling system when you moved in, the cost of regular air conditioning repair and maintenance is absolutely worth it to avoid having an Air-conditioning problem in the time to come. It will also help you avoid having to supplant expensive components in your organization — like an air compressor or evaporator gyre.

Some HVAC experts charge a flat rate for standard air conditioner servicing, while others charge past the hour. Regular maintenance generally costs around $140-$220, while the average toll of air conditioner repair is nigh $300-$700.

Jacobs Heating & Air conditioning offers seasonal specials, which tin relieve you money on maintenance and repairs. We besides offer regular maintenance agreements that let you to cull betwixt several different plans. Each program features Sat service, scheduling reminders, and monthly payment options.

How Long Does HVAC Maintenance Take?

An annual or bi-annual HVAC maintenance engagement generally takes somewhere between ane-two hours, although this can vary quite a flake depending on several factors. These factors include the type of Air conditioning you have, the size of your home, and the amount of time that has passed since your last tune-up. AC repair tin can take longer, depending on the type and extent of repair needed.

When Is the Best Time To Buy an Air Conditioner?

The best time to buy an air conditioner, in terms of toll, is uncomplicated: any time other than summer. Demand for AC units peaks during the summer months, and homeowners who plan alee and buy an AC out-of-season about always get to have advantage of savings.

When is the best time to have AC Installed?

You can generally salve money by purchasing Ac equipment in the fall, wintertime, and leap. Keep in mind, all the same, that while Air-conditioning units themselves may be less expensive in the winter, both the summer and the winter seasons are busy for HVAC system installers. In the winter, installers are busy working on heating systems. To get the best value, schedule your Air conditioning installation during the bound.

Program Ahead & Stay Absurd This Summertime With Jacobs Heating & Air Conditioning

Stay a stride alee of the summer heat and make sure you lot're on elevation of Air-conditioning maintenance. Find out more about the HVAC services we offer and then become in bear upon with any questions or schedule a consultation with our highly trained and skilled technicians at Jacobs Heating & Air Conditioning.


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