
How To Get Rid Of Tarot Cards Safely

Perhaps yous've heard various accounts of how 1 "should" acquire and intendance for a tarot deck. I remember hearing these stories in the time before I owned my first deck.

You tin can only use the cards if a deck is gifted to yous, was one instruction. You must perform a ritual to clear your deck of energies and make it your own was another.

how to ceanse your tarot deck pin

While I would never downplay the wisdom of dissimilar cultures and their beliefs nearly the all-time ways to obtain and intendance for their divinatory tools, there are some standard beliefs when it comes to caring for your tarot deck and how to cleanse tarot cards.

And then, let's talk near how to cleanse tarot cards and take care of your tarot deck. Note that you can also utilise these cleansing methods for oracle cards and affections menu decks.

How to Cleanse Tarot Cards vs Clearing your Deck

Depending on the specific culture or belief system, cleansing and clearing your tarot deck tin mean a variety of things.

Some say to "articulate" the cards hateful yous intentionally neutralize them, like rebooting your reckoner to return it to mill settings and clear any personalized files stored on information technology.

To "cleanse" tarot cards can hateful something a little different. This tin can hateful that you not only neutralize your cards but as well energetically remove any energies that may be negative, distracting, or heavy.

how to cleanse tarot cards

The distinction is a minor one, and some people use the terms interchangeably. For me, the idea of clearing the cards is a matter of neutralizing the energy from the by.

To cleanse tarot cards means to actually accept additional measures to really clean out the energy. This is more like a deep cleaning.

A third stride is called "charging." Once the cards take been neutralized, then cleansed on a deeper level, you can imbue the cards with specific positive energy. This is called "charging" the cards. Other terms for charging can include approving them.

7 Easy Ways To Cleanse your Tarot Deck

Before using that tarot deck, especially a new one, I believe it's a adept idea to clear, cleanse, and then accuse your new tarot cards.

If nothing else, this helps to marshal the energy of the cards with your personal energies. Doing so solidifies your connection to the cards which volition lead to more accurate and insightful readings.

So before you use your tarot cards, set aside some fourth dimension for a clearing and cleansing ritual. Although I utilize the two carve up terms, they go hand in hand. Similar to shampooing your hair and then using conditioner. Charging can too be washed in the same ritual.

Below are a number of different ways to clear and cleanse your tarot deck. Whether you use any of these tools or none of them, plan for a procedure to neutralize and clear the cards, some other process for energetically doing a "deep clean" or cleanse, and and so another process to accuse them.

ane. Blowing & Knocking

We get-go with my all-time favorite: blowing and knocking the cards. Take your cards and fan them out in one mitt. Gently start to blow on the cards. One breath will commonly do.

Now, make one neat pile of the cards and knock on acme of the deck. Your cards are now cleansed of old energy and ready for their next reading.

2. Moon Bathroom

The full moon is a good time to permit become of old energy within ourselves and any items in our possession. Therefore, the full moon is a perfect source to clear and cleanse your tarot cards.

how to cleanse tarot cards with moon bath

You lot tin can create a "moon bath" by just only placing your cards in your window or (if the weather allows it) outside in the moonlight.

What'south probably the very best time to practise this is during your ain Moon Phase. By placing your cards under the moon during your personal Moon Phase information technology is supposed to create an even deeper connection between you and your Tarot cards!

Desire to know exactly when your Moon Phase is and larn virtually your Moon Sign? Check out this free Moon Reading that I beloved to practice past clicking the image below:

free moon reading online

The Full Moon tin also be used for charging your cards. This involves wrapping them in a secure tarot cloth handbag and sleeping with them under your pillow for three nights starting with the side by side Full Moon.

3. Crystals

You may besides fix your deck on or betwixt crystals that draw out negative energies to cleanse and recharge your tarot cards. This is really one of my favorite methods, as it'due south unproblematic and I love to work with crystals.

white sage for cleansing tarot cards

How? Just simply put clear quartz on top of your tarot deck when you're non using it. Information technology's as unproblematic as that!

If you like to work with other chrystals than clear quartz, I would recommend using Amethyst or Selenite. They also have cleansing properties. Your birthstone can as well be a powerful tool.

iv. Salt Burial

Some readers use salt as a purifier. If you want to attempt out this method to cleanse tarot cards, commencement wrap your card tightly in a plastic bag. Then take an airtight container with salt that is big plenty for your cards.

Now place your cards in the container and make sure they're surrounded with salt on all sides (yeah even the superlative). Leave the cards in the container for at least a few days.

Personally, I don't dare to use this method with my favorite decks, because there is a risk of damaging your cards. Especially when your container is non closed as the common salt can suck up moist from the air. But I know a lot of readers taking this risk:)

5. Incense or Smudge Stick

If you choose to use tools in the procedure, you lot tin also use cleansing herbs like stale sage, Palo Santo, a locally sourced herb, or a simple smudge stick that accomplishes the same goal.

white sage for cleansing tarot cards

Burning the herb, yous tin pass your deck through the smoke to articulate and cleanse information technology of past energies.

You can also fan out the cards on a table and pass a smudge stick/palo santo/sage over them. Then stack the cards and pass the smudge stick or incense above and beneath them.

You can also use the smudging method to charge your deck.

6. Singing Bowls

Did you know that you can also apply a Singing Bowl to clear and cleanse tarot cards?

cleanse tarot cards with singing bowls

These healing basins helped put my emotions in check, strengthen my chakras, and even improved my physical health. But I as well use them to cleanse tarot cards by placing my deck in the singing bowl, while playing it.

vii. Visualisation and Meditation

Without tools, cleansing and clearing your tarot cards can be as simple as a prayer or visualization to erase whatsoever past energetic connectedness to the cards.

This is like repainting a business firm when you purchase it. Someone else owned it before, they painted information technology the manner they wanted, just it'south your house now so you put your own personal mark on it.

By repainting the rooms, you are declaring "this is my space at present and I need to disconnect information technology from the past and connect information technology to the present.

cleanse your tarot cards meditation

Clearing the cards is no different. You may visualize a white low-cal around the cards as y'all concord them in both easily. Yous may meditate on them and visualize a giant eraser that "clears away" any energies that are attached to the cards.

Next, you tin imagine or visualize that you are going deeper into the energy of the card deck and pulling away any imperfect, dense, heavy, or negative energies. You may visualize this equally deep scrubbing or deep cleaning.

You don't have to physically clean your cards, in fact, this is probably non a good idea. But visualizing the process helps to rid the cards of other energies from past owners or by readings.

charging tarot cards with white light

Finally, when your cards are cleansed, y'all can charge them by holding them over again in both hands and visualizing new, make clean, wise, compassionate, and spiritual energy coming into the cards. You can visualize this energy coming correct from divine Source, for example.

You can also charge your cards by proverb a prayer or incantation over them. Annihilation you do that imbues the cards with your higher energy or college vibration free energy, be information technology from crystals, herbs, or fifty-fifty exposure to peaceful or spiritual music, helps to marshal their energy with your intention.

Why Cleansing your Tarot Cards is Of import

Will tarot cards work if they aren't apple-pie, cleared, and charged? Of grade. I believe they will. Ultimately, you are interpreting archetypes and can however read cards even if the subtle energies aren't maintained.

But in time it is necessary to clear the energies and recharge your cards but equally you demand to clear and recharge your estimator, telephone, or anything else.

Think of information technology like this, if you had a beautiful painting hanging on your wall and year after yr it collected dust, your ability to see and capeesh information technology is contradistinct. Even if that alteration is slight, it is all the same not as clear as to when it was new and fresh.

cleansing tarot cards after reading

When yous read tarot cards, y'all are dealing with subtle energy. If others handle your cards (some readers don't let this, some do) and so their concrete and subtle energies are getting into your cards.

Readings are often emotional and may be heavy while also securely healing. All of that energy gets captivated into your cards over time.

It'due south a good idea to proceed immigration, cleansing and recharging them periodically depending on how often you use them and what kinds of readings have been done with them.

Cleanse Your Cards based on Your Cultural Beliefs

Your private spiritual beliefs and practices are the best way to determine what exactly will work for your method of clearing or cleansing.

The most powerful mode to intendance for your cards energetically is to marshal the process with any is meaningful to yous based on your spiritual practices or merely what works for you.

Simple tin can be best as this allows y'all to put well-nigh of your focus straight into the process of clearing and cleansing your cards.

You may use the phases of the Moon (especially your personal Moon Phase) or other Astrological markers every bit time frames to focus on energy maintenance for your cards, for example.

You may too use a full ritual or a simple prayer. Yous may employ blest sea salt or incense like Sage or you lot may simply use your own personal energy to articulate cleanse and tarot cards.

Tarot Deck Care and Maintenance

In improver to the spiritual and energetic aspect of caring for your deck, there are also practical considerations to go on in mind.

Practice you read for others or but for yourself? If you lot read for others, you may want to decide whether or not yous allow others to handle your cards.

Though it is expert to clear and cleanse your tarot deck fifty-fifty if you don't let others handle your cards, you lot may non feel the demand to do it every bit frequently. If only you handle your cards, consider clearing and cleansing them monthly.

Nonetheless if others handle your cards you may have other considerations such every bit whether to use a spare deck for readings involving others so as to continue another deck just for your private use.

Using a Tarot Cloth

If you lot value your cards, I advise using a special protective tarot cloth to wrap your cards in. Some people make or purchase elaborate and cute cloths which can both serve as a wrap and a table fabric on which to do their tarot readings.

Tarot Table Cloth with pouch

This is a surprisingly well-made and heavy velvet cloth that comes with a beautiful matching card pouch. Your cards volition never look the same on the black velvet textile groundwork and better however, you'll go on them clean and in skillful status this way. Highly recommended!


Tarot Card Storage Boxes

Another fashion to protect your cards and add a bit of extra protection is by keeping their Tarot deck in a storage box or container. It likewise adds that fleck of flair and proffesionality when taking your cards out of a dainty box!

Wooden Box for Tarot Cards storage

My recommendation for a Tarot storage box is this Dharma Objects Wooden Box. The details on the top of the box are very well-executed and handcrafted in beautiful Mango wood. Likewise that, information technology has a perfect size (not only for cards but likewise for pendulums and crystals) and it makes a cute gift for Tarot lovers!


I find that many decks I purchase are cute but accept relatively flimsy boxes that don't last long. Finding a wooden Tarot box may exist a good mode to ensure your cards are kept safe.

Get-go your cleanse correct away

Though the existent piece of work begins when y'all sit down downwardly to consult your tarot deck, there is also work to be washed in the care and maintenance of your deck.

Keeping the energy of your cards clear and high vibrational will preclude you from getting confusing readings.

Regular recharging of your cards is a dandy mode to too maintain accurateness in your readings.

how to cleanse tarot deck

Just recall that the most powerful manner to treat your cards energetically is to align the process with any is meaningful to y'all or what works for you.

So attempt out the above methods, maybe even mix and match, to notice a cleansing method that resonates with yous.

I hope that with this article I gave you some piece of cake methods to cleanse and clear tarot cards. If you have another system or technique of cleansing tarot cards, I would love to hear from you lot! Permit me know in the comments department below.


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