
Who Work With In Service Teachers Professional


Teachers' Professional Identity

Teachers' professional identity is an important research field. It is a cadre chemical element of teachers' professional lives, and too a "resource that people use to explicate, justify, and make sense of themselves in relation to others, and to the world at large" (MacLure, 1993, p. 311). Teachers' professional identity has a widespread event on a teachers' teaching, professional person development, and staying in the didactics profession, etc., and influences individual pedagogy effects by affecting their physical behaviors in the process of teaching (Korthagen, 2004). Teachers' brusque- and long-term decisions nigh curriculum blueprint, teaching, assessment, and student learning are limited by their understanding of their instructor identity (Mockler, 2011). Sammons et al. (2007) conducted a study with a big-calibration, longitudinal research in England. The results found a human relationship between aspects of teachers' professional identity and pupils' attainments in English and mathematics. Zhang et al. (2016) conducted a study with pre-service teachers in the stage of teacher education. The results showed pre-service teachers' professional person identity influenced program performance by affecting their task value belief and extrinsic learning motivation. Moore and Hofman (1988) plant that teachers with lower professional identity hands perceived lower work satisfaction and higher work stress, and teachers with higher professional identity were more likely to overcome the dissatisfaction with harsh working conditions. Moore and Hofman (1988) and Gaziel (1995) found professional identity related to intentions to leave the teaching profession. Furthermore, the influence of professional identity on the development of didactics practice received more attending in the research. Bullough and Gitlin (2001) also emphasized that the crucial role of professional identity in the stage of the teaching exercise should be paid attention to.

However, scholars have different definitions for teachers' professional person identity. Some researchers divers teachers' professional identity from the perspective of cocky or cocky-concept. For case, Kelchtermans (2000) argued that the educational activity profession is highly cocky-involved and that teachers' professional person identity is a concept of the teacher as a teacher. Volkmann and Anderson (1998) deemed that the teaching profession requires a complex and dynamic equilibrium between personal self-image and teacher roles. Akkerman and Meijer (2011) proposed that the formation of teachers' professional identity is a process of narrating and relating multiple I-positions and information technology is formed in the course of self-participation and self-engagement and in the course of trying to maintain continuity and consistency. Actually, the self is formed in the process of complex and meaningful social interaction; without environmental factors or professional backgrounds, there is no self or professional person identity.

In view of the close relationship betwixt identity and profession, Tickle (2000) proposed that professional identity is embodied through professional characteristics. Many researchers defined teachers' professional person identity based on Tickle'due south perspective. For case, Nixon (1996) believed that teachers' professional identity is something that characterizes an occupational group with specific working conditions. Gaziel (1995) argued that teachers' professional identity is similar to a list of items that represents aspects of the profession. Young and Graham (1998) defined teachers' professional identity as the characteristics of an platonic instructor. Schepens et al. (2009) tested the human relationship betwixt professional identity and educational situation through professional characteristics. Based on professional person knowledge and skills teacher obtained, Beijaard et al. (2000) divided teachers' professional identity into three aspects—subject field matter, didactic, and pedagogical expertise.

Indeed, professional identity is regarded as an attitude from a psychological point of view. Attitude is an evaluative statement well-nigh things, persons, and events; the evaluative argument, approved or rejected, reflects a person's emotional object (Robbins and Judge, 2007). Accordingly, professional identity is based on cognitive and emotional elements. Even so, as an attitude, these elements are not discrete only a combination of cognition and emotion; the two elements are inseparable and are displayed in judgments of value. Therefore, the present study defines professional person identity as an attitude; professional identity involves teachers making a judgment or cess of the importance and value of the pedagogy profession's dissimilar characteristics. Meanwhile, many scholars considered teachers' profession is multifaceted; for example, Moore and Hofman (1988) believed that teachers' professional identity includes axis, valence, consonance, and cocky-presentation. Kelchtermans (2009) deemed that teachers' professional identity consists of self-image, cocky-esteem, job motivation, task perception, and time to come perspectives. Hong (2010) considered that teachers' professional identity is composed of value, self-efficacy, commitment, emotions, knowledge and beliefs, micropolitics, and so on. As stated in a higher place, the value of the education profession is a core chemical element of professional identity; meanwhile, professional identity likewise includes other elements that vary with dissimilar teacher groups and professional development stages.

Compared with in-service teachers, pre-service teachers lack real experiences of the teaching profession, and their knowledge and evaluation of the teaching profession are more based on teachers as students. For this reason, some scholars believe that pre-service teachers have not yet formed an essential professional identity but just formed a student identity (Beauchamp and Thomas, 2006; Flores and Day, 2006; Levin and He, 2008). Hong (2010) constitute that pre-service teachers' attitudes to their profession were vague, while in-service teachers' attitudes to their profession were specific and realistic, including in the areas of classroom control, knowledge education, and relationships with parents, colleagues, and managers. Therefore, under the influence of the career development stage, the construction of pre-service teachers' professional identity is relatively simple; it is probable to mainly focus on the value of the educational activity profession.

Zhang (2016) proposed a pre-service teachers' professional person identity model composed of intrinsic value identity and extrinsic value identity. Intrinsic value identity is mainly related to individuals' subjective feelings regarding the inherent feature of the teaching profession, such equally piece of work contents and work characteristics. Extrinsic value identity mainly focuses on cognitions nearly the external characteristic of the teaching profession, such equally work environment, social status, and income. The present study will investigate and analyze pre-service teachers' professional identity from these 2 dimensions.

The Development of Pre-service Teachers' Professional Identity during Field Education Practice

In view of the characteristics of pre-service teachers' professional identity, some scholars proposed that pre-service teachers would feel an intricate transition of professional identity in the phase of instructor education; that is, their professional identity would constantly experience negotiation, construction, and acceptance. However, key alter was less probable to occur (Korthagen, 2004). The transition of identity was a difficult and slow process, and even if pre-service teachers entered the teacher education stage, their belief, and noesis were notwithstanding stubborn, and they tended to utilise the knowledge and information teacher education provided to ostend rather than confront and adjust their original behavior and cognition. In general, when pre-service teachers engaged in education and internship, they did non take sufficient cognition near students and the classroom, and they brought unrealistic views and optimistic attitudes to the classroom and treated classroom practice from an oversimplified viewpoint (Kagan, 1992).

Nonetheless, this did not mean that pre-service teachers' professional identity could not change during the whole teacher education stage. Nether the influence of individual internal and external factors, and subjective and objective factors, pre-service teachers' professional identity could non change in structure, but the dimensions of professional identity possibly changed on some level. Some studies constitute that pre-service teachers tended to overestimate their professional commitment and professional efficacy before the internship (Volkmann and Anderson, 1998; Kelchtermans and Ballet, 2002). The main reason for this was that pre-service teachers oft underestimated the complexity of the teaching profession before they entered into the internship. The aim of the internship was to pull them back to reality from theoretical learning, which led to a decrease in professional commitment and professional efficacy. Hong (2010) constitute that the scores of students who experienced internship were lower than those of students who did not, on the emotion dimension of professional identity, which was possibly related to emotional exhaustion of students during the internship. Certainly, the changes in pre-service teachers' professional identity before and afterwards the internship were related to different definitions of professional person identity and also related to some factors in the instructor educational activity phase. For example, Johnson and Ridley (2004) plant that providing support for pre-service teachers, including providing guidance in the initial teaching jobs for novice teacher, integrating school civilisation, communicating class plan with skilful teacher, etc., decreased the difficulty of transition from pupil to instructor. A study on novice teachers showed that the support and positive feedback from supervisor, assistants, and parents affected the success and well-being of novice teachers (Avalos and Aylwin, 2007; Oplatka and Eizenberg, 2007).

Moreover, at that place were many studies on teachers' professional person identity, but the main method used was qualitative research, such as teachers' reinvention (e.chiliad., Mitchell and Weber, 1999), creative narratives, discourses of teaching lives ( thousand., Sfard and Prusak, 2005; Alsup, 2006); the metaphors of a instructor'southward role (e.g., Hunt, 2006; Leavy et al., 2007); and structured or semi-structured interviews, observations, written reflections, and self-recording (due east.thousand., Palmér, 2015; Yuan and Lee, 2015; Izadinia, 2016). Express quantitative research was mainly a cantankerous-sectional study. For case, Hong (2010) conducted a cross-sectional and quantitative study with iv groups, including pre-service teachers experiencing internship, pre-service teachers not experiencing internship, dropout teachers, and non-dropout teachers. Mahmoudi-Gahrouei et al. (2016) conducted a cross-sectional and quantitative study with three groups, including prospective teachers, new teachers, and experienced teachers. Therefore, longitudinal research on the changes in pre-service teachers' professional identity before and after an internship is needed. Moreover, based on the quantitative study, the study further explores and elaborates on the changes, effects, and roles of pre-service teachers' professional person identity through a qualitative report.


The development of teachers' professional identity is a long-term process. This process starts from individual choices of teacher education (Walkington, 2005). Pre-service teachers feel the transition of professional identity in the process of situation transition from instructor education to internship, and further change of identity occurs in the whole process of teachers' careers (Beauchamp and Thomas, 2009). Therefore, whether and how teaching practice promotes pre-service teachers' professional person identity is an important research topic (Beijaard et al., 2004; Korthagen, 2004).

In decision, as a course bridging theory and practice, field education practice is an of import role of teacher pedagogy programs, and it plays a pregnant role in the formation and development of teachers' professional identity. Therefore, a enquiry mixing quantitative and qualitative approaches to investigate the changes of pre-service teachers' professional identity during an internship and analysis of the reasons and factors backside the development is needed.

Materials and Methods

This report employed a mixed-methods blueprint that used a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Co-ordinate to Creswell'south (2003) classification, the current study tin can be identified as a "the concurrent triangulation approach." The mixed arroyo offsets the inherent weaknesses within one method with the strengths of the other (Creswell, 2009). Triangulation refers to "the combination of methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon" (Denzin, 1978), and this approach allows the researcher to improve the accuracy of conclusions by relying on data from more than one method (Rossman and Wilson, 1985). In this written report, the quantitative survey and qualitative interview are concurrent, but greater weight is given to the qualitative approach. In this written report, quantitative enquiry including 2 time points was a longitudinal study, which was used to proceeds an overview of the development of pre-service teachers' professional person identity during their internship. Then, qualitative research was conducted to illustrate and elaborate the evolution in more detail, and to explore the factors influencing pre-service teachers' professional identity and professional evolution in the future.


Participants for the quantitative study were randomly sampled from unlike departments of a university in China. The curriculum and theoretical learning of teacher pedagogy mainly focused on Grades 1–3. Internship is conducted in Grade 4 in Prc. According to the regulation of the higher, teaching practice is one of the requirements to obtain teacher certification. The contents of teaching exercise mainly involve classroom teaching, class management, and other jobs. The internship continues for xvi weeks and includes 320 class hours. After finishing the internship, pre-service teachers obtain ten credits according to standard requirements. Therefore, the outset survey was conducted before the internship (Fourth dimension 1), and the second survey at the cease of the internship (Time ii).

Because most pre-service teachers were at the end of their internship and were looking for a job at the time of the second survey, some participants were lost because of lack of data in Time 2. Participants were 98 pre-service teachers who remained from the previous sample of 140 pre-service teachers (Table 1). There were 98 valid participants in the ii tests. A comparison of the 42 lost participants to the remaining 98 participants showed that there were no group differences in gender [χii(1) = 0.83, p = 0.36], student origin [χ2(2) = ane.49, p = 0.47], and teacher professional identity [t(1,138) = -0.79, p = 0.43]. Of the 98 participants, 82% were girls, 77% were scientific discipline, 32% came from city, 35% came from town, and 33% came from the land.

Table 1. Participants' demographic information.

Using the typical-case-sampling method, 12 (iv males, 8 females, boilerplate age = 21.78 years old) out of the 98 participants were selected for participation in the interview in the qualitative report. To ensure the representativeness of the sampling, the study considered participants' gender, major, place of college admission, type of field school, type and subject of teaching, and so on. Their majors were different, with 2 students majoring in chemistry, two in literature, 2 in English, three in physics, ii in educational engineering, and one in special didactics. They conducted their field teaching do at unlike centre schools located in unlike regions, such equally Beijing, Hebei Province, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions. These middle schools varied in type from provincial or regional key schools to regular middle schools and schools for children with disabilities. The courses they taught varied from Chinese, math, English, chemistry, and physics to special education, co-ordinate to their majors. The study was canonical past the Ethics Commission of the Kinesthesia of Psychology, Beijing Normal Academy, and all the piece of work was carried out inside the guidelines set by the commission. All subjects gave written informed consent in accordance with the Annunciation of Helsinki.

Morse (1994) considered 6 participants as the smallest qualified number in phenomenological studies, and Kuzel (1992) argued that vi to 8 participants were acceptable in studies of homogeneous participants. The present written report chose twelve participants for the enquiry, and the sample size met the criterion mentioned. Additionally, co-ordinate to the definition of "theoretical saturation" past Glaser and Strauss (1967) (theoretical saturation refers to a data size in which the researchers tin no longer form a new category with additional data). Based on the sorting and coding of the interview data, we found that our domains and categories had reached theoretical saturation later on the seventh participant's data were analyzed. The information from the 8th to the twelfth participant could non class a new category lawmaking. This finding supported that twelve participants was an appropriate sampling number for this written report.

Information Collection and Analysis

Quantitative Data: Survey Questionnaire

The quantitative study used a survey questionnaire to investigate the changes of pre-service teachers' professional identity. The participants were required to complete a questionnaire repeatedly before and afterwards the internship.

To measure pre-service teachers' professional identity, a validated scale was used in prior research with mainland Chinese samples (Zhang, 2016). The scale consisted of 10 items, for which students responded on a vi-bespeak Likert self-report scale ranging from i (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly concur). Ii dimensions were contained in the scale: intrinsic value identity, which mainly focused on individual subjective value judgment of the inherent features of the teaching profession (vii items, e.k., "Education job is valuable" "Teaching job is attractive"); and extrinsic value identity, which mainly related to cognition of external features of professional identity (iii items, due east.g., "Teacher'due south social status is high" "I think the work environs and condition for teacher are groovy"). The internal consistency reliabilities of the whole calibration and the dimensions range from 0.79 to 0.87. The scale too has good validity. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two-factor model fit the data fairly: χ2 = 120.49, df = 26, RMSEA = 0.069, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.96, GFI = 0.97, NFI = 0.97. In this study, the reliability of the scale was acceptable. Cronbach'south alpha coefficient for the whole scale and the two dimensions in Time i and Fourth dimension ii ranged from 0.74 to 0.87.

Qualitative Data: Semi-structured Interview

The interviews were semi-structured and were administered past the principal researcher with assistance from other researchers. Participants were selected based on the representativeness of the sample and and so contacted by the researcher. Subsequently the participants were invited to the lab, they were first asked to read and sign an informed consent form that described the purpose, prophylactic, and privacy protection policy of the research and the recording notification. Each participant was interviewed once, the time of interview lasted xxx min, the interview was conducted one on one and recorded, on completion, the participants were thanked and given a gift.

The interviews involved structured questions and follow-up questions. Each participant was asked to answer the same questions, and specific questions or follow-up questions were added co-ordinate to the initial answers. The interview protocol had 3 parts. First, the current study collected participants' demographic information, including gender, age, internship time, identify, school, bailiwick, etc. Second, based on the definition of teachers' professional identity for participants, the formal interview had two questions: (i) Compared with their professional identities before the internship, did participants' professional identities alter after the internship? What did these changes include? (2) Describe the causes of the changes, listing the important people or events related to these causes, and answer additional further questions if necessary. Third, an open-concluded interview was designed, and participants were asked to discuss the influence of these changes in professional identity on their future career development.

Audio recordings of the interviews were transcribed by the research squad and so were checked carefully by non-squad members to ensure accuracy. For information analysis, we adopted the consensual qualitative enquiry (CQR) method (Miles and Huberman, 1994). The CQR method consists of domain coding, core thought coding, cross-instance assay, stability check, and audits. The key of the CQR method is a thorough team discussion of the transcribed data to reach an understanding on the conceptualization of the data. Our specific procedure was as follows: showtime, the interview data were grouped into several domains reflecting the primary topics. Second, core ideas were extracted from each domain based on the interview contents so examined in the context of each interview to ensure they indeed represented and covered related points of view. Third, categories and sub-categories were identified. Squad members collected all of the core ideas from each domain for a cross-instance analysis, plant the mutual topics, clustered these topics to form categories and sub-categories, so formed conclusions. In the CQR method, coding group members conducted the principal analysis independently. All members needed to reach an agreement through consultations during the coding process. Finally, the coding results were submitted to external auditors. The external auditor re-examined the analysis and provided feedback to the coding group to refine the coding.


The Changes in Professional Identity: Quantitative Findings

To investigate the changes in pre-service teachers' professional identity before and after the internship, a paired-samples t-examination was conducted. The results showed that there was significant departure in overall professional identity (t(97) = -2.26, 95% CI [-0.27, -0.02], p = 0.03), intrinsic value identity (t(97) = -4.12, 95% CI [-0.38, -0.xiii], p = 0.00), and extrinsic value identity (t(97) = -0.31, 95% CI [-0.22, 0.16], p = 0.76). Table 2 showed mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum, on each sub-dimension and overall construct. The results indicated that the overall professional person identity increased, intrinsic value identity increased, and extrinsic value identity kept steady. Specifically, pre-service teachers with higher professional identity tended to think didactics is more valuable, more attractive, more interesting, and call up advice with students is more than meaningful. Meanwhile, extrinsic value identity, such as work surround and condition, social status, did not significant change. These results too implied that the inner tension of the two dimensions of teachers' professional identity increased later the internship.

Table ii. Descriptive statistics of sub-dimensions and overall construct (n = 98).

In summary, compared with the professional identity before the internship, the overall professional identity and intrinsic value identity increased, and extrinsic value identity kept steady after the internship. Why did intrinsic value identity and the overall professional identity increased afterwards internship? Which factors influenced pre-service teachers' professional identity during the field teaching exercise? Did field pedagogy practice influence pre-service teachers' professional evolution? To reply the to a higher place questions, a qualitative written report was conducted.

The Changes, Factors, and Roles of Identity: Qualitative Findings

The data analysis indicated that three domains—changes in identity, factors of identity and, roles of identity—could explain the changes in pre-service teachers' professional identity earlier and afterward the internship and the influence of the internship on pre-service teachers' professional identity and professional development. Table iii displayed domains, categories and sub-categories, representativeness of each category, and examples of the core ideas. According to Miles and Huberman (1994), each domain and category was identified by the frequency of usage. In the present report, we considered domain or category to be "general" if it was used in all 12 cases, "typical" if it was used in 8–11 cases, "variant" if used in 4–seven cases, and "insufficient of representativeness" if used in fewer than 4 cases.

Tabular array three. The results of the qualitative inquiry: representativeness and examples of domain, category, and sub-category.

Changes in Identity

The first domain, the changes in identity, showed the changes of pre-service teachers' professional identity earlier and later on the internship. Specifically, there were two categories in this domain as follows: intrinsic value identity and extrinsic value identity. There were five sub-categories in the two categories. Intrinsic value identity consisted of work contents and work characteristics, and extrinsic value identity consisted of work environs, income, and social status. The five sub-categories are representative: work content was full general; piece of work characteristic, income, and social condition were typical, and piece of work environment was variant.

All 12 participants had a cerebral modify in work content before and later their internships. The original sentences of some participants are cited here, as follows: "As for work content, I had only a very basic thought about it before the internship. I thought that the teachers only taught and managed the form. Through the internship, I learned that teachers also accept to piece of work on tasks that the school assigns to them." Some participants "took role in didactics research nether the guidance of the mentor in the internship, which enabled them to experience what information technology feels like to be a research-oriented teacher," and understood more about the work contents of a teaching job, which "impressed me very much." In sum, the understanding and identity of the didactics profession rose from vague to explicit.

Eleven participants spoke about a re-acquaintance with the characteristics of the education profession. Earlier the internship, they mostly felt that "teaching is boring and sort of routine," "in iii years, the job becomes a mechanical repetition," and "specially when it comes to teaching a course, the whole instruction life has to exist spent dealing with just a few textbooks." Through the internship, they discovered that "pedagogy can be artistic and not just a uncomplicated repetition" or that there is "truly a lot to learn"; some participants even greatly improved their understanding of the professional requirements and attainment through the internship. They realized that "the more you learn, the more than you can requite to students; moreover, the broader the field you study, the higher y'all stand, and the deeper knowledge y'all accept, and these can benefit the students."

Of the 12 participants, 9 talked about income and the welfare of teachers. Before the internship, most participants idea, "a teacher's income is at an boilerplate level in social club, which is shut to that of civil servants" and that "the welfare of a teacher is not as skilful every bit a visitor employee." Afterward the internship, participants' agreement of the state of affairs did not change much. Some participants even noted that "their understanding was more realistic than earlier," that "as a profession, teaching is not so practiced and stable as I had imagined," or that "a teacher's hard piece of work is not reasonably proportional to their fiscal advantage."

Xi participants mentioned the social status of teachers. Before the internship, the participants thought that "teachers have a high social condition and are respected by the guild," "the social condition of teachers is high; educational activity is a great profession." However, after the internship, they thought that "a teacher'south social condition is mutual, and educational activity is just a common job; the didactics profession in fact is non every bit glorious as I idea."

Simply 4 participants mentioned their understanding of teachers' piece of work environment. They idea that "the work environment is proficient, and the social circle is unique – unproblematic and pure, not complicated." After the internship, these views remained the same.

The Factors of Identity

In the second domain under the effect domain—the factors of identity—i full general category (mentor at the field school) and ane variant category (students at the field school) were extracted.

As for the impact of mentor support on professional person identity, all participants emphasized the of import roles mentors and other teachers played in the field school. The original interview discourses are cited here as follows: Some participants argued that "responsible education attitude and comprehensive guidance from the mentor" were major factors to make him/her focus more on the teaching profession. Some participants were deeply moved past the mentors. They realized that "the most positive effect was from my mentor. He designed the grade based on his ideas and creativity, activated the students and created a learning atmosphere in the classroom to brand students more motivated to learn." "Earlier, I focused more on arranging the pedagogy content but with the guidance of my mentor, I realized information technology was more important to communicate with the students in class and to brand students more than interested in learning." One participant who completed his internship at a cardinal eye school in Beijing talked about the deep thinking and high professional person identity brought to him by the teachers at the field school: "the strongest effect from my mentor was his professionalism, sense of responsibility and attitude. The educational activity profession depends on teachers' conscience; you lot need to do your job from the heart, perform your full duty, not merely one day or two, but forever." Vice versa, ii out of the twelve participants thought that "job burnout, lack of responsibilities and de-motivation of teachers at the field school" were the major factors impacted on his/her teaching initiatives. This finding confirmed the reverse side of the importance of a mentor.

Additionally, the current study too analyzed the importance of students at field schoolhouse. Vi out of the 12 participants spoke about how the students in their classes had deeply influenced them. Some participants said, "I communicated with the bad students in my class and found they communicated sincerely, and they were the ones I accept the near contact with at present." A participant who completed the internship in a middle school in Hebei province felt that "the most impressive experience for me was the students; I call up once afterward P.Eastward. grade, I wanted a chair to sit on, but there was only one dirty chair in the classroom. A student took off his shirt to wipe information technology clean for me. I was and then touched past that." Many things like this happened during the internship. These things fabricated participants realize the students' care and understanding, which was the well-nigh important gene for participants to capeesh the didactics profession.

The Roles of Identity

The 3rd domain, the roles of identity, showed the influence of internships on pre-service teachers' future professional development. Specifically, at that place were ii categories in this domain: emotional evaluation and conventionalities in the teaching profession.

Of the 12 participants, viii evaluated their emotions toward the teaching profession at the terminate of their internship. The emotions of the bulk of participants inverse from "good" or "neither like nor dislike" to "thinking highly of teachers," "it is worthwhile to be a instructor," and "we should respect and cherish the profession and do the job assuredly." Some participants said that "I'd like to exist a teacher; every bit a profession, it is meaningful," "Pedagogy is a low paying and laborious task; sometimes there are complaints, just they are just for the sake of complaining. They do not touch my feelings for the chore," and "Compared with other professions, I prefer didactics."

During the interviews, all 12 participants stated their behavior in the education profession at the end of their internship. Most participants noted that the internship strengthened their beliefs in having a teaching profession. Some participants said that "the internship was a turning point for me; it made up my mind to continue trying to be an splendid teacher." Other participants described their changes before and after the internship: "At the beginning, my family thought I was suited for a teaching task, and I did non reject that idea. Subsequently the internship, when I started to sympathize the ramifications, environment, and condition of a teaching job, my thinking on teaching in school became stronger and has not changed since then." Other participants said that "my confidence was strengthened, and I learned a lot." The internship showed that their beliefs in having a education career were strengthened.


The present study used a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative research investigated the changes of pre-service teachers' professional identity before and after the internship. The qualitative research illustrated and elaborated the changes of professional person identity in more than particular; further analyzed the factors of professional identity and their roles in pre-service teachers' professional development in the hereafter; and revealed the relationships amongst pre-service teachers' professional person identity, mentor back up, and professional delivery.

Forming a Positive Yet Tense Professional Identity afterward Experiencing the Internship

The results of quantitative information showed that compared with professional identity before the internship, pre-service teachers' professional identity increased afterward the internship; specifically, intrinsic value identity increased significantly, and extrinsic value identity kept steady, which was consistent with the results of qualitative data. The results of qualitative research indicated that pre-service teachers had a new understanding of the contents and characteristics of teaching piece of work. These new features, communication with students, inventiveness of teaching, etc., had become attractive to pre-service teachers. These factors contributed to changing pre-service teachers' stereotype of the teaching profession before experiencing the internship. Conversely, the harsh reality of the profession, such every bit income level, social status, and work environment, did not quite match the "greatness," "high condition," and "center-grade" images pre-service teachers held before their internship, which fifty-fifty led to some pre-service teachers' negative cognition of the teaching profession; however, the changes almost kept steady before and subsequently the internship.

There were both similarities and differences in results between the present study and the study of Hong (2010). The changes of professional identity and the two dimensions in the written report meant that pre-service teachers' attitudes became more realistic later experiencing the internship, which was consequent with the results of Hong (2010). Hong (2010) analyzed the differences in the emotion dimension of professional person identity betwixt pre-service teachers experiencing the internship and those not experiencing the internship. The results indicated that pre-service teachers who had not experienced the internship were obviously too optimistic and underestimated the effect of educational situation on emotion; pre-service teachers who had experienced the internship had less idealized concepts.

However, inconsistent with the results of Hong (2010), the results of her cantankerous-sectional study showed that there were no significant differences in the value dimension of professional identity betwixt pre-service teachers who had not experienced student teaching and pre-service teachers who had experienced student instruction. This inconsistency may be related to dissimilar approaches; the present study used longitudinal design and excluded generational differences effectively. It was conducted to find real changes in pre-service teachers' professional identity earlier and after the internship. Furthermore, the inconsistent results also related to dissimilar samples, different measuring tools, and different internship modes.

As stated in the review, researchers tended to view professional value as a whole to measure previous studies on professional person identity; however, the electric current study investigated pre-service teachers' professional identity from intrinsic value identity and extrinsic value identity. Intrinsic value identity is a value judgment of a profession's work attributes (e.k., work content, piece of work pattern), whereas extrinsic value identity is a value judgment of a profession's social attributes (eastward.g., work environment, income, and social status). The written report showed that the two dimensions had different variation trend before and after the internship, which contributed to deepen understandings of pre-service teachers' professional identity and changes of different dimensions.

In the current written report, the cognition and evaluation of work contents and features reflected the intrinsic value of the education profession, whereas the cognition and evaluation of income, social condition, and work surround reflected the extrinsic value of the teaching profession. Intrinsic value identity was strengthened whereas extrinsic value identity was kept steady relatively, even somewhat weakened in a sure sub-category throughout the internship. This issue indicated that the interior of professional identity had a conflict alter. The overall professional person identity was positive and increasing, but information technology was probable to go through more inner tension afterwards experiencing internship. Festinger (1957) proposed the approach-abstention disharmonize characteristics of volitional behavior co-ordinate to cerebral noise theory. This inner tension of professional identity could bring more than uncertainty to the pre-service teachers' career choices and professional commitment in the future. Pre-service teachers might improve their extrinsic value identity to help them integrate into the teaching profession completely or they might reduce their intrinsic value identity so get out the educational activity profession.

Additionally, the results likewise meant that information technology is important to enhance the design and plan of the internship. During field teaching exercise, if pre-service teachers are provided multiple tasks and contents, they will take a chance to experience fully and deeply the kinds of characteristics of the teaching chore that volition have corking significance for the evolution of professional identity, specially for cultivating and promoting their intrinsic value identity. Certainly, multiple and arable tasks in the internship are closely related to the supports of the important others (due east.g., mentors); otherwise, pre-service teachers will exist frustrated, which volition not be beneficial for the comeback of professional person identity.

Mentor Back up at Field School Effectively Facilitates Professional Identity

The results of qualitative data indicated that teaching guidance and piece of work attitudes of the mentor at the field schools played a critical role in pre-service teachers' professional identity. Many participants realized that "the most positive effect was from the ideas and creativity of their mentors" and that "they were conscientious and did their job from their heart," which impressed with participants. Some participants cited the influence of students of school and experienced "being moved" and "achievement." The results indicated that the support of mentors at the field schools was important in the internship stage.

The results were supported by some studies. Izadinia (2016) conducted a study by interviewing seven pre-service teachers and mentors. The results showed that the mentoring relationship was an important influencing factor in pre-service teachers' professional identity. Specifically, when the mentoring relationship was more positive, the pre-service teachers felt more than confident as teachers and their professional identities were higher, whereas, their professional identity and confidence both declined when the mentoring human relationship was negative. Stufflebeam (2000) emphasized the importance of mentor support and proposed that these supports too influenced teaching efficacy, professional orientation, and professional delivery, which was proved by Schepens et al. (2009). The results showed that mentor back up played an important part in pre-service teachers' professional person efficacy, professional delivery, and professional orientation. The three variables were the components of professional identity. An empirical study indicated that the communication and feedback of the mentor at the field schoolhouse had an important effect on pre-service teachers' affective delivery; especially, mentors' communication and feedback were far more important for pre-service teachers than campus didactics (Christophersen et al., 2016). Furthermore, students at the field schoolhouse were also considered to be one of the most motivating factors influencing teachers' professional identity and professional development (Proweller and Mitchener, 2004). The interactions of new teachers with students deeply influenced their teaching perspective, cocky-confidence, and work satisfaction (Bullough, 2001).

In conclusion, this effect revealed that the supports of the mentor were of import. These supports would not but directly influence pre-service teachers' professional identity simply also could have a profound effect on their future professional person commitment. The sources of supports are not express to the mentors simply as well include the unabridged teacher community, such every bit school leaders, teaching administration, students, and parents of students (Avalos and Aylwin, 2007). Williams (2010) emphasized that there were arable social practices and social relationships in field teaching practise, which was important not only to form professional person identities but as well to brand a successful career transition. Providing supports for pre-service teachers, including providing guidance in the initial teaching jobs for novice teachers, adapting school civilization, communicating the grade plan to good teachers, etc., decreased the difficulty of transition from student to teacher (Johnson and Ridley, 2004). These supportive strategies should be adopted by every schoolhouse.

Professional Delivery of Pre-service Teachers Strengthened by Internship

The results of the qualitative data indicated that pre-service teachers' emotional evaluation was more positive and that they had a firmer belief in their teaching career after the internship. According to previous definitions of professional commitment in studies (e.chiliad., Meyer et al., 1993; Van Huizen, 2000), professional commitment refers to the extent of 1's individual emotional connection with one's profession and the extent of ane's unwillingness to change professions. This study's findings showed that pre-service teachers' professional commitment was strengthened.

Professional commitment has a straight and important issue on individual professional conclusion in the futurity. Rots et al. (2007) establish that commitment to didactics, especially the initial commitment to teaching pre-service teachers obtained after completing learning and grooming during teacher education, was closely related to whether one chose to be a teacher in the future. The initial commitment to pedagogy was an important predictor of teacher leaving his job in the before phase of professional person evolution (Rots et al., 2010). Professional commitment direct influenced an individual's career controlling, and determination to stay in or leave a job, meanwhile, likewise was influenced by many factors, such as teachers' supports (e.g., supports of educator, supports of mentor) and professional efficacy. Professional person commitment would play an of import role between these factors and career decision-making. For example, results from master and middle schoolhouse teachers in Netherlands indicated that affective commitment mediated the relationships between classroom self-efficacy and responsibleness to remain in teaching, between change in level of motivation and responsibility to remain, between relationship satisfaction and responsibleness to remain in a structural model (Canrinus et al., 2012).

Based on previous studies, the qualitative study further revealed the potential relationships among pre-service teachers' professional commitment, professional identity, and mentor support. That is, mentor supports predicted pre-service teachers' professional identity and commitment, and professional identity mediated the relationship between mentor support and professional commitment. Certainly, the influencing mechanism was based on the case interview, and the result will demand to be tested by a quantitative study in the future. Meanwhile, the results provided evidence for distinguishing between professional identity and professional commitment. Professional identity referred to the fact that individuals made judgments or evaluations on unlike characteristics of profession, while professional commitment mainly focused on professional person affection, including aspiration of remaining in the current task and the degree of enjoyment of the job (Blau, 1985). The two concepts focused on different psychological components, were different in the emergence and formation period, and embodied different developmental phase of professional attitude. Accordingly, from the perspective of professional mental attitude, the results in the current study likewise implied the development and transition of pre-service teachers' professional attitude later the internship, which provided inspiration for exploring studies about professional mental attitude transition in the future.

Conclusion and Implications for Instructor Didactics

The current report used mixed methods to explore the changes in pre-service teachers' professional identity, and used qualitative study to explore the factors of professional identity, and the roles of professional identity in professional person development and commitment during the internship. The results indicated that compared with professional person identity before the internship, pre-service teachers' professional identity increased after the internship; specifically, intrinsic value identity increased while extrinsic value identity remained steady. Mentor supports in field school were important factors. Regarding the roles of professional identity, pre-service teachers' professional delivery, including affective evaluation of pedagogy profession and teaching conventionalities both increased.

The results of the present report have several important implications for promoting teacher education programs, and especially for improving the effectiveness of field pedagogy practice. Get-go, instructor-training institutions should further aggrandize the contents of field practice to provide pre-service teachers with more opportunities to participate in various kinds of applied work and expand pre-service teachers' understanding of the pedagogy profession. Second, the school should arrange skillful mentors for pre-service teachers, excellent teachers' supports should contribute to promote pre-service teachers' professional identity and commitment, and the sources of the supports should not be express to teacher groups. The ways of support should be diversified. Third, as an essential part of instructor education, internship should exist expanded throughout all years in college. This is particularly important in teacher education in China. The internship is assigned in the last year of teacher teaching and continues for 3 months. Therefore, the brusk fourth dimension and lateness for participating in an internship limit pre-service instructor's agreement of the teaching profession. Additionally, the extrinsic values of the teaching profession need to be further improved. These extrinsic factors have no significant roles in pre-service teachers' professional identity during the internship, just the inner tension of professional identity cannot exist neglected. The government and educational assistants should codify relevant educational policies and further improve the extrinsic values of the teaching profession.

Limitations and Hereafter Directions

There are several limitations regarding this study that must be noted. The first limitation is the loss of the sample in the longitudinal study. Given the express sample conditions, the present study extended sampling range and differences in demographic variables as far as possible to improve the representativeness of the sample. Meanwhile, from the point of sampling bias, the loss of participants in the longitudinal research was random. Nevertheless, the number of participants (n = 98) was all the same low for a quantitative study, which could accept led to unsteady results.

More intendance should be taken to avoid losing the sample in the future. 2d, the number and representativeness of the sample in the qualitative research need to be improved. Loma et al. (2005) argued that researchers should randomly select participants from a homogeneous total group. The participants should take rich knowledge of the research topics and recent relevant experience. In other words, the sampling should exist based on a gear up standard. The current report met Hill's benchmark, and the number of participants as well met the smallest number some researchers take deemed acceptable (Kuzel, 1992; Morse, 1994). Additionally, the present study used mixed methods to investigate the changes in pre-service teachers' professional person identity. Withal, the relationships among professional identity, mentor support, and professional person delivery during the internship withal demand to be tested using quantitative information in the time to come.

Writer Contributions

HZ designed the study, analyzed the data, wrote and revised the article. XZ designed the study, collected and analyzed the data, interpretated the data, wrote the article. All authors approved of the publishment of the article and ensured that the questions related to the accuracy or integrity of whatever part of the work were appropriately investigated and resolved.


This work was supported by a grant from the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education of the People'due south Commonwealth of Cathay (Project No. 16YJC190032).

Disharmonize of Involvement Statement

The authors declare that the inquiry was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential disharmonize of interest.


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